S6E09 Masterpiece Theatre: Skrondal & Laake (2001)


This week Patrick and Greg talk about one of Patrick’s favorite papers, which is a masterpiece not only in terms of its quantitative contribution in understanding the differential role of factor scores, but also as a model of clear and concise technical communication. Along the way they also mention Sandals and Motel 6, hotel hangers and glasses, hitchhikers under the bed, icebreakers with Roger, David Mamet films, Patrick’s conversations with himself, Rondo, title colons, carving elephants, cursing Patrick in the dark, as the reader may demonstrate, tea leaves, Holzinger & Swineford, and bringing down the average IQ.

Related Episodes

  • S3E03: Principal Components Analysis is your PAL
  • S1E22: Factor Analysis: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
  • S1E13: How Do I Get Scale Scores? Weight, Weight… Don’t Tell Me!

Suggested Readings

Curran, P. J., Cole, V., Bauer, D. J., Hussong, A. M., & Gottfredson, N. (2016). Improving factor score estimation through the use of observed background characteristics. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal23, 827-844.

Curran, P. J., Cole, V. T., Bauer, D. J., Rothenberg, W. A., & Hussong, A. M. (2018). Recovering predictor–criterion relations using covariate-informed factor score estimates. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal25, 860-875.

Devlieger, I., Mayer, A., & Rosseel, Y. (2016). Hypothesis testing using factor score regression: A comparison of four methods. Educational and Psychological Measurement76, 741-770.

Devlieger, I., & Rosseel, Y. (2017). Factor score path analysis. Methodology, 13, 31-38.

Devlieger, I., & Rosseel, Y. (2022). using Factor scores in structural Equation Modeling (pp. 316-328). Guilford Publications.

Grice, J. W. (2001). Computing and evaluating factor scores. Psychological Methods6, 430.

Skrondal, A., & Laake, P. (2001). Regression among factor scores. Psychometrika66, 563-575.



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