Quantitude Syllabus
A Non-Exhaustive List of Episodes Organized by Topic
Below is a list of specific episodes of Quantitude organized by general themes and topics that might be of some small use to a class or a research group. Or if you have trouble going to sleep; seriously, we're going to put big-pharma out of business.
This list is not exhaustive and does not include all 150+ episodes (heaven help us); a complete listing of all episodes organized in reverse-chronological order is available here (with thanks to Patrick's kid Jay for creating this).
The episodes are organized around the following 11 topics; please click on each topic to jump down the page if it's just one of the days and you don't feel like scrolling. Seriously...we've all been there:
- General Topics in Statistics, Estimation, & Distributions
- Multiple Regression & the General Linear Model
- Structural Equation Modeling
- Multilevel/Mixed Effects Modeling
- Measurement/Test Theory/Factor Analysis/Psychometrics
- Longitudinal Data Analysis/Growth Modeling
- Multivariate/Clustering/Networks
- Research Methods/Design/Sampling/Validity
- History/Ethics/Diversity
- Professional Development
- Conversations with Really Interesting People
General Topics in Statistics, Estimation, & Distributions- S6E05: Cattell’s Data Box
- S5E24: Zombie Wheel of Distributions
- S5E18: Probability on Spring Break
- S5E16: Simpson's Paradox
- S5E14: Regression to the Mean
- S5E16: Simpson's Paradox
- S5E02: Multicollinearity: The Usual Suspect
- S4E17: Variable Transformations: Box-Cox, Fox in Socks
- S4E16: Discovering the False Discovery Rate
- S4E11: The Centrality of Noncentral Distributions
- S4E10: Test Driving Model Identification
- S4E04: Partial Least Squares: Straight Outta Uppsala
- S4E03: Two-Stage Least Squares Strikes Back
- S4E02: Underachievers, Overachievers, & Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- S4E01: Ordinary Least Squares: Back Where It All Began
- S3E23: The Mättrix Part II: Using Matrices To Our Advantage
- S3E22: The Mättrix Part I: Defining & Manipulating Matrices
- S3E21: A Low-Resolution Discussion of Sampling Distributions
- S3E11: The Cons and the Cons of Median Splits
- S3E08: Statistical Degrees of Freedom...An Intimate Stranger
- S2E27: (re)Connecting With Discrete Data
- S2E17: Non-Normal Distributions: Embracing Your Non-Normality
- S2E10: Type I Terror
- S2E04: Bayesian Wake Up Call with Roy Levy
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Multiple Regression & the General Linear Model- S6E12: Suppression Unrepressed
- S5E14: Regression to the Mean
- S5E09: Regularized Variable Selection Methods
- S5E02: Multicollinearity: The Usual Suspect
- S4E19: The Dark Art of Regression Diagnostics
- S4E17: Variable Transformations: Box-Cox, Fox in Socks
- S4E01: Ordinary Least Squares: Back Where It All Began
- S3E11: The Cons and the Cons of Median Splits
- S3E09: Semi-Partially Clarifying Measures of Association in Regression
- S3E02: Johnson-Neyman Regions of Significance
- S2E22: Outliers: And Then Things Got Weird
- S2E18: Regression: Like That Old High School Friend You've Outgrown
- S2E14: Control (Variable) Issues
- S2E09: MANOVA Must Die
- S2E08: Mediation and the Art of Squid Spleening
- S2E07: Moderation: Well, It Depends
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- S6E07: Structural After Measurement and the Muffin of Truth
- S5E23: A Rosetta Stone for DAGs and SEM
- S5E20: Local fit...Because Global Fit Measures Suck!
- S4E21: Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling
- S4E10: Test Driving Model Identification
- S4E02: Underachievers, Overachievers, & Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- S3E24: The Wright Stuff: The Beauty of Path Tracing Rules
- S3E18: Aunt Roz's Guide to Latent Means Models
- S2E24: The Equivalent Models Problem
- S2E21: Yes, Virginia...There ARE Latent Variables
- S2E17: Embracing Your Non-Normality
- S2E08: Mediation and the Art of Squid Spleening
- S1E14: Model Fit & The Curse of the Black Pearl
- S1E06: Model Modification and Whac-a-Mole
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Multilevel/Mixed Effects Modeling- S6E08: The Statenfreude of Generalized Estimating Equations
- S5E21: Multilevel Factor Analysis: But What Do The Factors Mean?!
- S5E05: Multilevel Models Unleashed
- S4E09: Intensive Longitudinal Data: Be Careful What You Wish For
- S4E02: Underachievers, Overachievers, & Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- S2E30: ‘Always Center Your Predictors!’ And Other Sh*t My Advisor Says
- S2E29: Multilevel Models: The Often Unnecessary Green Monster with Dan McNeish
- S2E26: MLM vs. SEM: Opportunities for Growth
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Measurement/Test Theory/Factor Analysis/Psychometrics- S6E02: Judging Inter-Rater Reliability
- S5E23: A Rosetta Stone for DAGs and SEM
- S5E21: Multilevel Factor Analysis: But What Do The Factors Mean?!
- S5E19: Item Response Theory, Q.E.D.
- S5E15: Classical Test Theory (in bed)
- S5E06: Advanced Factor Structures
- S4E24: Longitudinal Measurement Invariance
- S4E05: Moderated Nonlinear Factor Analysis with Dan Bauer
- S3E15: Heywood You Help Me With Negative Residual Variances in EFA?
- S3E06: Item Parcels: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?!
- S3E03: Principal Components Analysis is your PAL
- S2E21: Yes, Virginia...There ARE Latent Variables
- S1E22: Factor Analysis: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
- S1E13: How Do I Get Scale Scores? Weight, Weight... Don't Tell Me!
- S1E12: Measurement (Non)Invariance: Can We Ever Fail to Not Incorrectly Reject It?
- S1E09: Grumpy Old Man & Village Idiot Argue About Reliability
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Longitudinal Data Analysis/Growth Modeling- S6E01: Growth as a Predictor? Back to School with Ethan McCormick
- S5E22: Survival Analysis in the Social Sciences: It's about Time
- S5E10: Nonlinear Latent Growth Curve Models (Taylor’s Version)
- S4E24: Longitudinal Measurement Invariance
- S4E20: Dynamic Structural Equation Models with Ellen Hamaker
- S4E14: Growth Trajectory Estimates: What's My Line?
- S4E09: Intensive Longitudinal Data: Be Careful What You Wish For
- S3E04: Two Time Point Data: What Is Your Quest?
- S2E26: MLM vs. SEM: Opportunities for Growth
- S2E02: The Auto-Regressive Cross-Lagged Horror Picture Show
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Multivariate/Clustering/Networks- S5E17: Classification and Regression Trees with Yi Feng
- S4E25: Cluster Analysis
- S3E23: The Mättrix Part II: Using Matrices To Our Advantage
- S3E22: The Mättrix Part I: Defining & Manipulating Matrices
- S3E20: The Rise of Machine Learning in the Social Sciences with Doug Steinley
- S3E19: Social Network Analysis with Tracy Sweet
- S2E04: Bayesian Wake Up Call with Roy Levy
- S1E20: Finite Mixture Modeling & Sir Mixture-A-Lot
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Research Methods/Design/Sampling/Validity- S6E04: Person-Centered vs. Variable-Centered Analysis
- S4E16: Discovering the False Discovery Rate
- S4E13: Model-Based Power Analysis: The Power of *What*
- S3E16: Your COVID Rapid Test Result: Are You Positive You're Positive?
- S3E10: Observation and Exploration
- S3E07: In Defense of Researcher Degrees of Freedom
- S3E01: Leaping to Statistical Conclusion Validity
- S2E33: Truth, Balderdash, and Construct Validity
- S2E32: Lies, Damned Lies, and Random Samples with Laura Stapleton
- S2E25: Options for Small Samples
- S2E15: Ethics in Quantitative Research
- S2E12: Post-Publication Review -- Patrick's Truly Horrible Idea
- S2E11: The Replication...Dilemma with Samantha Anderson
- S1E26: The Internal Validity Pre-Flight Checklist
- S1E17: Planned Missing Designs (or, How to Beat a Metaphor to Death)
- S1E02: (Statistical) Power Struggles
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History/Ethics/Diversity- S5E11: Statistical Ideas That Die Hard
- S4E23: QuantCrit with Christen Priddie
- S3E12: The History of Measurement with Derek Briggs
- S2E15: Ethics in Quantitative Research
- S1E33: Enhancing Diversity in the Quantitative Sciences with Nayena Blankson
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- S5E25: Is Being a Professor the Right Fit for Me?
- S5E04: Dissertations: Quant Ideas From Actual Experts
- S5E03: The DON’Ts and DOs of Dissertations
- S3E28: The Challenges & Joys of Academia
- S2E19: Pulling Back The Curtain On Tenure
- S2E34: The Mentorlorian: Graduate Student Mentoring
- S2E20: The Future of Teaching Quantitative Methods
- S2E13: You Want ME To Do a Quant Review?!
- S2E06: Applying for Jobs: Unsolicited Advice from Uncle Greg & the Guy in the Yellow Shirt
- S1E25: Reviewer 2: A Love/Hate Relationship
- S1E15: Academia and the Chamber of Secrets
- S1E04: Advice for Grad Students: Our 2 Cents (Exact Value!)
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Conversations with Really Interesting People- S6E01: Growth as a Predictor? Back to School with Ethan McCormick
- S5E17: Classification and Regression Trees with Yi Feng
- S5E12: Meta-Analysis With Paschal Sheeran
- S4E23: QuantCrit with Christen Priddie
- S4E08: Missing Data: The New State of the Art with Craig Enders
- S4E05: Moderated Nonlinear Factor Analysis with Dan Bauer
- S3E20: The Rise of Machine Learning in the Social Sciences with Doug Steinley
- S3E19: Social Network Analysis with Tracy Sweet
- S3E12: The History of Measurement with Derek Briggs
- S2E32: Lies, Damned Lies, and Random Samples with Laura Stapleton
- S2E28: Multilevel Models: A conversation with Dan McNeish
- S2E11: The Replication ... Dilemma with Samantha Anderson
- S2E04: Bayesian Wake Up Call with Roy Levy
- S1E33: Enhancing Diversity in the Quantitative Sciences with Nayena Blankson
- S1E18: The Power of Three with Katherine Masyn
- S1E05: The Don Hedeker Tapes: Interview With a Rock Star
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