S4E16 Discovering the False Discovery Rate


In this week’s episode Patrick and Greg talk about an alternative to familywise Type I error control, the false discovery rate, and how it offers increased power in that middle ground between no error control and the severe control of Bonferroni.  Along the way they also mention: Leif Ericson, discovering Columbus, The Flintstones, brontosauri, dying grandmas, Coors Field homeruns, hitting Richard, more Calvinball, the power reaper, Thelma and Louise, making flights on time, intellectual judo, wet paper bags, and distribution of blame.

Related Episodes

S1E02: (Statistical) Power Struggles

S2E10: Type I Terror

S3E21: A Low-Resolution Discussion of Sampling Distributions

S4E11: The Centrality of Noncentral Distributions

S4E13: Model-Based Power Analysis…The Power of *What*

Suggested Readings

Benjamini, Y. (2010). Discovering the false discovery rate. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: series B (statistical methodology)72, 405-416.

Benjamini, Y., & Hochberg, Y. (1995). Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. Journal of the Royal statistical society: series B (Methodological)57, 289-300.

Colquhoun, D. (2014). An investigation of the false discovery rate and the misinterpretation of p-values. Royal Society open science1, 140216.

Efron, B. (2007). Size, power, and false discovery rate. The Annals of Statistics, 35, 1351-1377.

Verhoeven, K. J. F., Simonsen, K. L. and McIntyre, L. M. (2005). Implementing false discovery rate control: increasing your power. Oikos, 108, 643-647.

Storey, J. D. (2002). A direct approach to false discovery rates. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)64, 479-498.

Thissen, D., Steinberg, L., & Kuang, D. (2002). Quick and easy implementation of the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure for controlling the false positive rate in multiple comparisons. Journal of educational and behavioral statistics27, 77-83.


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